The Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) is non-profit making organization that depends on donor, partner support and contributions from its members to execute its activities which include evidence based advocacy on the right to education, researches in all fields of education, civil society and citizen’s participation in education sector planning, implementation and monitoring and also tacking of resources into education.

Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) is currently being financially supported by Norwegian Students’ and Academic’ International Assistance FUND (SAIH), Results Educational Fund,United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Global Partnership of Education (GPE) through its Civil Society Education Fund (CSEF).

Other significant partner of the Coalition over the years has been Open Society Initiative for southern Africa (OSISA), Africa Network Campaign on Education For All (ANCEFA) and Global Campaign for Education (GCE).

Good News to all Education-focused INGO, NGOs, CSOs, CBOs, Researchers, Students, all Zimbabwean citizens, worldwide education supporters, international financing institutions (IFIs) and donor partners;

If you want to sponsor child/children, a school or college and if you share the values with those of the Coalition and are committed to support any of its activities, then contact the Secretariat for details on how you make the donation using the contact details below:

Support Us


95 Parklane
Kenyan Embassy
Second Floor, North Wing


Contact numbers:

+263 4 253982